HRchat Podcast

DisruptHR Buffalo and Recruitment Strategies with Lauren Lewis, StaffBuffalo

The HR Gazette Season 1 Episode 694

In this HRchat episode, we talk about ways the candidate experience and recruitment marketing affect the hiring process. Listen as we also preview DisruptHR Buffalo returning on April 11.

Our guest this time is Lauren Lewis, Partner at StaffBuffalo, a certified women-owned (WBE), full-service professional staffing firm, providing executive, direct hire, and contract solutions for employers in Buffalo, NY and the surrounding areas.

Questions for Lauren include:

  • What are some of the biggest struggles you see with hiring in today’s market?
  • What can companies do to improve their recruiting?
  • What industries will remain active this year? What types of roles are most in demand? 
  • What kind of results have your clients seen by improving their hiring process?
  • You've been involved with DisruptHR Buffalo for a while. What makes the event unique?
  • You've also been involved with the local SHRM chapter. Tell us more.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the HR Chat Show, one of the world's most downloaded and shared podcasts designed for HR pros, talent execs, tech enthusiasts and business leaders. For hundreds more episodes and what's new in the world of work, subscribe to the show, follow us on social media and visit HRGazettecom.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to another episode of the HR Chat Show. Hello, I'm your host today, bill Badham, and in this episode we're going to talk about ways the candidate's experience and recruitment marketing affect the hiring process. Listen as we also preview Disrupt Buffalo returning on April 11th. My awesome, wonderful, fantastic guest today is Lauren Lewis, partner over at Staff Buffalo. Hey, lauren, welcome to the show today.

Speaker 3:

Hi Bill, Thanks so much for having me. How are you?

Speaker 2:

I am good, I'm good. It's an absolute delight to have you on the show. Beyond my introduction there, lauren, why don't you start by taking a minute or two and telling our listeners a bit more about yourself, and then we'll get into talking about Staff Buffalo?

Speaker 3:

You got it. So I'm one of the partners at Staff Buffalo. My cousin, maggie, and I started the business in 2015. So we come up on our nine-year anniversary on April 1st kind of backstory on how we started the company. I have a background in sales, maggie has a background in accounting and working as a public like in public accounting for a few years. I worked in sales for 10 years and we're cousins and we happen to like run into each other at a Starbucks in the Buffalo area while we're each doing our respective jobs and just hey, what's going on? What are you doing, what are you meeting here? And we each had that like aha moment together at that point where we were like we each want to start our own business. I was like I want to start my own business. She's like me too. I have all these ideas. I was like me too.

Speaker 3:

So then we brainstormed a bunch of ideas, none of which were in recruiting Maggie was actually working in recruiting at the time and recruiting in accounting and finance space and brainstormed a bunch of ideas and then it eventually led us to starting a recruiting company Staff Buffalo. So we built the business really from the ground up, bootstrapped it, worked out a Maggie's dining room in her house for the first two years, so we got office space and then it just continued to grow our team and our service offerings from there and we've expanded into human resources consulting as well and talent acquisition services. So we really try and work with businesses to help with all of their recruiting and HR needs, just because every company is so different and we learned that, like a lot of our clients, you know, direct hire recruiting it's great for certain positions, but a lot of them needed more help with recruiting and it's changed so much in the past few years too, of like how to recruit, what you need to do in that whole process, which led us to building out the talent acquisition process. In the meantime, we always had clients that came to us asking for HR support like do you do employee handbooks, do you have a maternity leave policy?

Speaker 3:

And, like I said, like Maggie and I don't have backgrounds in HR, but we saw the business opportunity there. So we were able to hire a team of HR consultants to help meet those needs of our clients and new clients who have human resources needs Because, as we know as small business owners, hr can be complicated and complex and it's a lot for a business owner to take on and understand and keep up with. So the HR consulting set, or business HR Buffalo. They really work with small to medium sized businesses to help support and really provide that strategic hands-on HR so they can continue to grow and optimize their business.

Speaker 2:

I love that story. I didn't realize that you were Maggie were cousins yeah. He's back between each other at Starbucks.

Speaker 3:

That's fantastic, I know we were raised really close and we went to the same high school when I was in college. I went to college in New York City and Maggie actually went to school in Boston, but she did a co-op like internship in New York City one semester. So she was always at my college apartment. So we were super close. It just happened to me that moment at that Starbucks that we were like we just shared that we each want to start our own business and so here we are and it's nice because we each compliment each other really well.

Speaker 3:

Maggie is very process-oriented, as you can imagine, as a public accountant. Everything's online on Excel files and she's developing new processes to do things within the business. And I'm a salesperson from my background, so I'm like idea and let's do this, and then trying to understand the sales and marketing component and how it relates to recruiting and helping our clients and helping to grow our business as well. I bring that capacity. So we're very different sides of the brain, very different sides of people, so we work really well together to continue to build the business and help our really help our clients.

Speaker 2:

I should just mention listeners. This show is not in any way supported or sponsored by Starbucks.

Speaker 3:

Okay, it might be fueled by Starbucks, but not sponsored or supported. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Powered by a spouse. So you mentioned there in your answer that every company is indeed different, lauren. So what? What makes you guys unique? What? What's what's so special about staff Buffalo?

Speaker 3:

I think what really makes us unique and special is we never wanted to be just another like recruiting firm. We were always looking for different ways to really help companies and partner with companies and you know so many recruiting companies they do. You know temporary staffing is a high volume, like Trenenburn temp staffing and they have. They do really well. But like that just wasn't us, not our styles on our approach. So I think you know, like I said, we're working with our clients and really understanding their needs and understanding it's not a cookie cutter approach. We really try, and you know, work with companies to understand their needs, understand their strategies, understand their people, their their problems with people. And although we did we really did just direct recruiting for probably five to seven years of the first part of our business we saw that our clients needed more support and we have expertise in really working with clients and from building our own business we saw what works and how we can optimize our business, especially being a small, lean team. I mean, for the most part we were five to six people for the first six to seven years of business. Now we have a team of 15, so we've definitely grown, but it'll allow us to help support companies in different ways. It's not just directory staffing. Like I said, we have the talent acquisition side of the business which really helps companies build out their talent acquisition processes, from their employee branding and how that external communication is going to attract the right candidates to their organization, down to optimizing their talent acquisition and hiring process and improving it and using technology. We can work with them every step of the way to really hand-hold and help build that out or improve it. Because, like I said earlier, recruiting and hiring has just changed so much, especially in the past few years, that it is a really comprehensive aspect to a business, from marketing and branding to attracting those candidates.

Speaker 3:

Candidates they want to feel like they understand the company before they even apply. They want to understand the cultures of an organization. They want to understand what the employees like and don't like about an organization. They want to feel that when they're in the application process and in the interview process of the organization that they are communicating well with the hiring organization. So we help work with the hiring managers to build out making sure they're not ghosting candidates. I mean that's one of the things we hear all the time from candidates in their frustration and job searching is that they apply and they don't hear anything. They don't hear we've received your resume. They don't hear thanks, we received your resume. We're someone who's actually scheduled an interview. They don't hear thanks, we received your resume, but you're not a fit. This time it's just their resumes get lost in an abyss, and that's if they make it through the application process. So many candidates also share with us that when they apply online they submit their resume but then they still have to build out this whole profile online with stuff that's already on the resume that they already uploaded. So it's like we want to help companies really streamline and improve that process so that the candidates that they are trying to attract to the organization to come work with them have a good experience and want to work there. So that's really the whole comprehensive approach of our talent acquisition service.

Speaker 3:

And the other differentiating factor is our HR consulting side of the business. I mean I really don't know of other organizations that have all three of those components to really partner with companies to help improve their people operations. Hr, our HR consulting team, is fantastic. They act as an extension of the organization. Sometimes, it's funny, the employees don't even know that they're not an employee at their company, that they are a consultant. That's how you know hands on they can be with clients and the support they provide and it really adds that personal touch and that care that we provide to our clients as well.

Speaker 3:

The partnership we have between HR Buffalo, our TA side, our recruiting side it really helps us to get to know and understand companies and clients and what their needs are so that we can best support them one way or another. As they continue to grow and change and evolve as an organization, they have different needs and those needs change. So we really try and be that full support for them and we can ebb and flow with what their needs are and they might be a recruiting, direct hire client At one point and then they need talent acquisition because they're going through a hiring surge or they need to improve their hiring process or they just want to change what they're doing to maximize their results in the candidates they're attracting and hiring and then, with HR as well, like maybe an HR client and then also they need more recruiting or TA and vice versa. So having that holistic approach really I think is a differentiator for staff Buffalo.

Speaker 2:

Okay, thank you very much. That was a very comprehensive answer. So what I'm going to do now is what I like to do in this show. Sometimes. I'm going to switch things up and I'm going to challenge you. I'm going to challenge you, lauren, to answer the next question in 90 seconds or less. What, bill? Don't do this to me. I've got so much to say today. Well, we're going to give it a go. The next question is around. We're entering a new phase now when it comes to hiring in 2024. Well, in fact, from job market reports from late 2023 and we're certainly going to expect this in 2024, a lot of people are in many industries could be staying in their jobs. There won't be as much movement in their jobs this year. What are some of the biggest struggles, therefore, that you're seeing with hiring in today's market?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's a great thing that people are wanting to stay in their jobs. It's great for companies and as they are building and growing. But then that does mean that there's less people applying to their job openings, because people aren't actively looking for jobs. So how are these companies finding people? It means they have to change their recruiting approach and getting in front of people so that they can try and get attractive with their job openings, because people aren't going to be actively looking for that if they're. In this great stay it was the great resignation and now it's the great stay. So you got to change what you're doing. You always got to be ahead of the curve and making yourself appealing to potential job seekers.

Speaker 2:

So what can companies do to improve their recruiting processes then, in this unique job market?

Speaker 3:

What they really need to do and I can touch on it a little bit earlier is improve their external communications about their organization, the culture of the organization, the people, how they celebrate their people. I think this gives them. With people staying in jobs for a long time, it gives them an opportunity to really celebrate a 10-year of an employee and showing that there's not high turnover in this company. People have long tenure and they're staying at an organization that goes so far with potential job seekers, and so they need to communicate that externally so that they are improving their brand and their reputation in the marketplace. Because, like we said, there's a lot of people not actively looking for jobs. But what are you doing to attract them and draw attention to your company? So maybe they see your company linked in and they start following you, and then maybe you post a job and they see it then. So they're like, huh, that might catch my eye, that might intrigue me. Maybe I should look into this job opening, even though I'm happy at my current job. Doing things like that will help improve their reach to people. It helps not only helps attract job seekers, potential job seekers, it helps attract potential clients or customers too. So kind of staying ahead of all the marketing and branding and communication and external communications can really help to improve all of those things.

Speaker 3:

So, even just utilizing LinkedIn, it amazes me how many companies don't utilize LinkedIn to showcase their organization, to showcase the wins at their organization, to showcase the wins that their employees are having at the company, To share market knowledge. I always embaffled when a company I'm researching doesn't have like their logo on their LinkedIn page. I'm like what are you like? Click the website and it doesn't go anywhere. I'm like these are simple things that companies can do to increase awareness around who they are and what they do online. And let's be real, as much as I try not to be on my phone or on social media, so many times I'm on my phone and on social media and on LinkedIn. It's at my fingertips and it's at everyone's fingertips. We're all guilty of it. And if someone's not good for them or power to them, but the general masses are usually surfing online and scrolling. So the more a company can do to make sure they're in front of people scrolling on their phones and communicating externally their brand, their identity, their job openings like the better off they're going to be.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, do you know what? I was hiking up the third highest volcano in the world just a few days ago and I still couldn't stop myself from checking LinkedIn and other social media. It's a good thing. So, in a year where lots of people will be staying in their jobs, I wonder can you maybe suggest what industries will remain more active this year and maybe, as part of your answer there, what types of roles, what types of jobs are most in demand at the moment?

Speaker 3:

Especially in Western New York, we're really seeing a lot of the jobs that are really high in demand are a lot of the hands-on jobs. There may be a little more skilled labor jobs, whether tire technicians, maintenance, anything really manufacturing, hands-on engineering. Those jobs are all super in demand and I think they will continue to be in demand. Healthcare continues to be kind of like a wild card. I feel like they're always hiring in healthcare as that industry continues to change and evolve and continue to meet the needs of patients. But also I feel like healthcare is becoming very much a business as opposed to practicing medicine. So you're seeing those dynamics kind of shift with the types of people they're hiring.

Speaker 3:

But I think, especially in New York well, new York State as well too we're seeing a surge in Mushroom beggars, the cannabis industry, because it's become legal in New York State. So we're seeing jobs in that industry form and evolve and expand. So that's really changing market in New York State too. That changes constantly. Given government regulations and licenses for businesses, it affects the ancillary businesses to that as well. So like packaging, labeling, security, marketing, human resources and staffing they're all affected by that industry. So kind of keeping up with that and keeping up with their jobs and how that industry is changing and businesses are growing in. It is dynamic and exciting too. So I think that's a little bit more specific to New York State, but I think those are things that are happening across the country in the US as well.

Speaker 2:

See, listeners. I do this job because I get to listen and learn, just like you do, hopefully. Okay then. So you and I are connected because you've been involved with Disrupt HR Buffalo for quite some time and I'm delighted to also be involved now as a co-organiser. We've caught up recently and you guys have been you and Maggie have been super supportive and keen to continue to be involved with Disrupt Buffalo on the go forwards and, in fact, there's an event happening on April 11th, so be there listeners or be a rectangle if you are in the Western New York area. What makes this particular event series, lauren, unique?

Speaker 3:

Disrupt HR is. I mean, it's just such a fun event. What I love about it is you get a lot of professionals in the room. It's not just HR professionals, it's business owners, it's accountants, it's finance, it's marketing and we all come together as people beyond what our professions are. Obviously, we have a focus on human resources throughout the event, but it's really kind of thinking outside the box, disrupting industries Especially. I mean, obviously it's Disrupt HR.

Speaker 3:

So we want to disrupt HR and kind of think it's not just your typical policies, procedures and legal and compliance updates.

Speaker 3:

It is the fun stuff that we get to do as HR professionals in the organization the fun stuff, the maybe difficult stuff, but we bring light to it, we bring different energy to it and I know that it attracts people beyond HR, like I said, the business owners, the operations people, the accounting people, the finance people, the marketing people because everyone can touch on this and learn from it and really grow from it.

Speaker 3:

So I like love Disrupt HR for that reason and I'm so pumped that it's coming back to Buffalo in April. It's going to be awesome. So we're excited to partner with you, bill, on Disrupt HR and really going to make it a great new kind of relaunch because we haven't had it in Buffalo and I think since 2019, I think it was the last year we did it, so it's been a few years and there's been a lot of talk the past year about how to bring it back to Buffalo. What do we do? So we're thankful that you are helping to spearhead this and get it going again in Buffalo and it's going to be awesome. I highly encourage everyone to come and not be discouraged or afraid because it's Disrupt HR. It is open to all professionals across all industries. I think that's what really makes it unique and dynamic.

Speaker 2:

Back at you. You and Maggie have been awesome and you're going to be super, super supportive, helping to get us get the word out there, and so on and so forth. So thank you, you are wonderful people. We appreciate you.

Speaker 3:

Really thank you.

Speaker 2:

You are also. Thank you, You're also. You've been involved with the local SHIRM chapter for a number of years. I believe that you're a past president for four years. Tell us a bit more about the local SHIRM chapter and how that makes a difference.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely so. Our local SHIRM chapter in Western New York is the Buffalo Niagara Human Resources Association and actually this year we are celebrating I don't want to say it's our 50th anniversary, which is really exciting. I mean, I think what is so amazing? You don't see that, with a lot of organizations, especially professional organizations, to be around for that long, and we are associated with SHIRM, so we have that as well. For me, buffalo Niagara Human Resources Association was awesome, like I started on the board as a networking chair and then I was in that role for about two years and then I was tapped on the shoulder to be the next president, so I moved into the president-elect role and then I was president for two years and I was past president, so I just rolled off this past September and I really found that the more I put into it, the more I got out of it, and I always encouraged the board members or potential board members that I talked to to do the same, because it's a volunteer organization and we all are very busy with our personal lives and professional lives. But I wanted to make sure, if they were serious about being a part of BNHRA, that they really put a lot into it Attending networking events, connecting with other HR professionals, encouraging other HR professionals to join the BNHRA and helping to support our professional development and networking initiatives. We do a lot around those things. Every year, like every month, there is a professional development program. It's either virtual or in person, and then I think it's about quarterly that we would do networking events. So there's a lot of opportunities to really get involved and engage in the organization, which I think was awesome.

Speaker 3:

It was such a great experience being president, so it was fun learning the ropes around it too. And, like I said at the beginning, I'm not a trained HR professional, but I appreciate HR and obviously run an HR focused business. So when I was tapped on the shoulder, I was like wait me seriously, I'm like I don't have a certification. And they were like well, you put more into this than some of the other board members, so yeah, you're gonna be the next president. I was like all right, let's do it. And I'm the type of person I'm like let's rip the bandit off, let's dive and head first and like figure things out and make the most of it so we can all like learn and grow and develop together. So it was a really great experience and I miss it because now I'm like I'm off the board and it feels a little weird. There's a void in my life, so maybe at some point I'll get back involves on that board again, but in the meantime disrupt HR is gonna fill that void.

Speaker 2:

Rock and roll. Listen, we've got two minutes left to this particular conversation today. What the where's the time? I don't know. Right Before we wrap up today, Lauren. Why it flies. It flies Before we do wrap up, though. How can our listeners connect with you, so maybe that's LinkedIn, other social media, email, whatever you wanna share there, and, of course, how can listeners also love more about staff Buffalo?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, so they connect with me on LinkedIn. That is definitely the best way. If you search Lauren Lewis, staff Buffalo, you will find me. I think my handle on LinkedIn is Lauren Lewis dash, staff Buffalo. So it's super easy. And follow staff Buffalo on LinkedIn, instagram, facebook, twitter, or now that's known as X, and you can follow HR Buffalo on those three platforms as well, and then we'll always be able to connect. That way. Our handles for all those are all staff Buffalo and then there's HR Buffalo. So very straightforward and easy.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. Well, that just leaves me to say for today, lauren, until we get to catch up next time, and I'm so looking forward to working with you, maggie, but for now, thank you very much for being my guest.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having me, bill, it was great.

Speaker 2:

And listeners as always. Until next time, happy working.

Speaker 1:

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