HRchat Podcast

Event Preview: Talent Management Summit

The HR Gazette Season 1 Episode 747

Event season is in full swing! While Bill Banham will be in Las Vegas next week for the HR Technology Conference and Expo, Chris Bjorling will be in Westlake Village, California for the Talent Management Summit by the Marcus Evans Group. 

In this special episode of the HRchat pod, Chris and Bill preview the Talent Management Summit happening September 23 and 24 at the Four Seasons Hotel. 

The summit is an invitation-only event bringing talent management execs, suppliers, and solution providers together. It features presentations, interactive roundtables, one-on-one meetings, and lots of networking.

Key topics at this year's summit include:

  • Leadership and Change Management
  • Tech in Talent Management
  • Championing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Designing a Winning Employee Experience
  • Winning the Talent War
  • Future-Proofing Your Workforce

Speakers include Chel Stewart, Senior HR Director at Comcast Cable, Jamie Librot, Global Head, Executive Talent Management, AWM at JPMorgan Chase & Co and Chris Wortmann Senior Director, Talent Management Cubic Corporation.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the HR Chat Show, one of the world's most downloaded and shared podcasts designed for HR pros, talent execs, tech enthusiasts and business leaders. For hundreds more episodes and what's new in the world of work, subscribe to the show, follow us on social media and visit hrgazettecom. And visit hrgazettecom.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to another episode of the HR Chat Show. Hello listeners, this is Bill Bannam, your host today. Event season is in full swing. While I'll be in Vegas next week for the HR Technology Conference and Expo, Chris Buehling will be in Westlake Village, California, for the Talent Management Summit by the Marcus Evans Group. In this special episode of the HR Chat Pod, Chris and I preview the Talent Management Summit happening September 23rd and 24th at the Four Seasons Hotel. The summit is an invitation-only premium event bringing talent management execs, suppliers and solution providers together. The summit's content is aligned with key industry challenges and interests, relevant market developments and practical and progressive ideas and strategies adopted by successful pioneers. The event features presentations, interactive roundtables, one-on-one meetings and lots of networking, and speakers include Shel Stewart, Senior HR Director over at Comcast Cable. I hope you enjoy this conversation that I had with Chris. Christopher, the awesome dude Bueling. Welcome back to the show. How are you today?

Speaker 3:

Bill, I am well. Thank you very much for asking me and and, most importantly, thank you for having me with your audience today.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Chris is an associate editor at the HR Gazette. He is my co-host with the most on the People and Performance podcast. We go to cool events together, like ATD and SHRM. We co-organize Disrupt, HR Buffalo. We get up to lots together. But for those Chris who maybe are not so familiar with you, why don't you take a minute or two and reintroduce yourself and the mission of Fidelio Inc to our listeners?

Speaker 3:

Excellent, thank you so much. At Fidelio Inc, we've been around for about 37, 38 years now and our focus is providing bespoke systems for our customers, whether it's a solution in the system or a system or a solution, you know, a process type of activity. We have a belief that in our HR space which we work, that there's not really a silver bullet. You really have to modify your activities to meet your audience, to meet your business needs, to meet your culture and through those components there we look to create the right solution for each of our clients and allow them to leverage human performance within their organization and see returns on results, as well as to create a wonderful customer experience.

Speaker 4:

Thanks for listening to this episode of the HR Chat Podcast. If you enjoy the audio content we produce, you'll love our articles on the HR Gazette. Learn more at hrgazettecom. And now back to the show.

Speaker 2:

So that's all about Fidelo, if I can just add. Add Chris is one of the best human beings that I know, so that's my summary of him. Chris, you and I were jibber-jabbering for a while before we hit record today, and I have got a hard stop in 11 minutes, so I'm going to challenge you for the next question to answer in 60 seconds or less, the People in Performance podcast. Tell our listeners a bit about that and why they should tune in.

Speaker 3:

You should tune in because Bill is wonderful and helps us get spectacular guests on the show. But most importantly, it's a quick bite of information around HR, around the opportunities that we have in the space of human resources to learn and develop ourselves and take pearls of wisdom from our guests. We've got great individuals who come on and speak with us. We have opportunities to talk to them about cutting edge thoughts, new innovations and just the great hard work they're doing and we learn each show. We do and you will as well.

Speaker 2:

Very good. Thank you very much. So the main focus of today's conversation is around the event that you're going to be attending, uh in california, I believe, by marcus evans. Uh, it's called the Talent Management Summit. Why attend, chris? Why go along to that one?

Speaker 3:

Well, because Marcus Evans asked us. No, marcus Evans puts on great conferences throughout the year for a variety of subjects and we were invited to be part of their Talent Management Summit this year. It's our first opportunity. It's probably our second, but this is the first one we've taken with them. They have a great history of being prestigious, bringing great individuals to the table, to their conferences, for thought sharing and interaction with each other. We just thought it would be a great opportunity to meet some of the clientele that hangs out with the Marcus Evans teams and getting an opportunity to listen to not only speakers but get a chance to sit and talk to their professionals that are there and find out what their needs are, what their focuses are some fun stuff they're doing as well too, so we may get some of our speakers for the People in Performance podcast from some of those folks that I talked to.

Speaker 2:

As part of my homework, I was all over the Marcus Evans website. You are indeed correct. It looks like they produce awesome events. I don't think we've ever covered one on the HR Gazette before this is the first time and it looks like the caliber of attendees is pretty impressive as well. So for you, it's a unique opportunity to tap into what's happening across America at the senior learning and talent level. What trends are you seeing at the moment, chris, and what areas of L&D and talent management are you eager to collaborate on?

Speaker 3:

Well, you know we're there, we're using it as a commercial event for our team. You know we're looking to create some opportunities, and so we've had quite a few of our people that are attending reach out to us and want to have meetings with us, and so we've had quite a few of our people that are attending reach out to us and want to have meetings with us, and so we're looking for, inside of that space, the opportunity to create a great employee experience, the opportunity to really focus on cutting edges around performance management or performance improvement plan activities. Not on a formal plan, like you know, somebody's in trouble, but just hey, how can we do it differently, more effectively? How can we enable a better conversation between the manager and the employee? How can we focus in these areas around getting the employee to their next position in a better way?

Speaker 3:

So, from a talent management and learning development standpoint, what can we do to help them move along their, their career journey inside of an organization while maintaining, you know, the, the organizational knowledge and the cultural strengths that they've learned and been able to leverage so far? You know, how do we keep them in in our company, you know, or the client's company, moving forward? So there's a lot of fun things that we're looking at doing with our potential clients, but also I'm looking at, you know, adps there and they're talking about their system, that they have and how performance management looks and how it changes, and they're also looking for just networking, and so we're, you know, I'm looking at that as a great opportunity to sit and chat with them as well too.

Speaker 2:

So multifold in what we're doing I love a a bit of networking. Chris, have you got any cool after parties happening that you're aware of?

Speaker 3:

Well, because I'm such a nice person, I don't crash parties like you do. Yeah, there are all of these events like this and you know I work with some other great groups too and have in the past that do this stuff, but this is my first with Marcus Evans. But we have social networking activities and I'm looking forward to it because you know it gives you the chance not to just talk about specific business needs but also just get to know people better and, you know, relax some of the barriers that you get sometimes when it's like, oh, you're a supplier and we're, you know, a client, so we've got that standoffish relationship. It's like, no, we're just two people talking and let's talk. What's been great in your industry, what are your challenges, where you've been, and we glean so much from those social times. It's a great thing.

Speaker 5:

This episode of the HR Chat Show is supported by our friends at the People in Performance podcast, a popular show offering insights into the strategic competencies, behaviors and results needed to increase the performance of employees and leaders. Training and succession planning Tune in to get a better handle on the stages of workforce planning you need to master in order to guarantee long-term success in a rapidly changing world of work. New episodes drop each week. Check out the latest people and performance episodes on your podcast platform of choice. Follow us on socials and read the latest articles at pp-podcom. And now back to this episode of the HR Chat Show.

Speaker 2:

What's the fit then between the Summits and Fidelio? Can you explain that a bit?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we were reached out because we fit a market segment that was kind of void or soft for them, from their providers to the clientele that were coming. So that's why we received the special invite is to come in and say, hey, you know, providing bespoke or custom solutions for the clients around talent management and talent um. Talent performance, you know, is really something that their audience was in, in, look in need of, looking for Um, and so for us it's a great opportunity to fit into that, that aspect of what they were looking for. But it's our sweet spot and we're excited to be there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, very good, Thank you very much. So while you're attending this event, I'm going to be in Vegas at the HR Tech event my first time there. Actually. Over 500 exhibitors, some amazing speakers. We're so close and yet so far away from each other. Chris, Any speakers at the summit that you're particularly keen to see?

Speaker 3:

You know I don't have the list of all the speakers that I'm keen to see for you. I'm just loving the topics that they have, you know, because some of them are panel conversations, some of them are discussions. You know I referenced our ADP. That they have, you know, because some of them are panel conversations, some of them are discussions. You know I referenced our ADP individual, but you know we also have, you know, cheryl Stewart. You know from Comcast and, and you know I will be meeting with the JP Morgan chase people. I'm excited about that. So there are a lot of great names and individuals that won't not only speak, but I'll get a chance to talk to them and it's exciting to increase my base of knowledge of individuals as company needs and continue my own personal development path, even after almost four years in this industry.

Speaker 2:

So I understand that key topics at this year's summit include leadership and change management, preparing for the challenges and opportunities all tomorrow. Uh, tech and talent management. Embracing ai there we go. We've spoken about ai and yet another episode. Analytics, etc. Uh, championing diversity, equity and inclusion. Check out the recent episode on the hr chat show with bob, the guest host, and johnny c taylor from sherm about his decision, or the sherm's decision, to remove the E from DEI. Designing a winning employee experience, winning the talent war and future-proofing your workforce there we go. Just switching focus for a moment, chris. We did do an episode on this a little while ago, but since then you have received your award and it is a pretty big deal, so I do want to give you kudos again. You were recently awarded a Stevie Award. Congratulations, you deserve it. You are awesome. Can you just tell our listeners a bit more about the Stevie Awards and why they matter?

Speaker 3:

To win an award is a great thing. We were nominated. We said, ok, you can try. And we happened to win the gold award and so we were very honored by that. But the Stevie system a lot of our clients have won awards through them Over the years for applications. We've developed processes, we've put in place with them, with tools that are theirs or ours. So when somebody nominated us, we were excited for that moment and we said, yeah, this will be good. So the Stevie awards are. We were excited for that moment and we said, yeah, this will be good. So the Stevie Awards are global awards.

Speaker 3:

Now, this was focused in America, though, so they do cover the globe, but this particular grouping that we were for were for America, and we became a gold winner because of our ratings. Gold winner because of our ratings. What it was was that, um, the Stevie Awards have over 300 judges, and a segment of those judges judged the art category, which was um, small business, consulting and thought leadership. I think along those lines, and in that process they looked at us and from different eyes, different segments of where they were coming from, and came up with high enough ratings for us to receive gold. They don't always have to award gold in a category, but they did because of our point totals and we were excited.

Speaker 3:

We were excited for the culmination of a lot of our work we've done over the years to be rewarded for something like that Because we think that the way we do business is important. Rewarded for something like that because we think that the way we do business is important, the way we do business helps clients succeed better than just you know, everybody being sheep dipped through something and say we all have to do the same process. No opportunities for customizing and tailoring for each client needs really drive success for our clients and it validated our, our existence kind of. So it was very good and I appreciate you bringing that up again. But the Stevie Awards have been great. We're fun to show it. We won't show it at this event, but we got some events. We're actually going to have it sit behind us on the table so we can talk and point and say look what we did. It's kind of like you know, since my mom passed, I need validation somewhere.

Speaker 2:

So it's all good. Just finally for today, mr Bjorling. How can our listeners connect with you either at the event itself or indeed afterwards?

Speaker 3:

Excellent. So Fidellocom is our website for the organization. If you want to reach out to me, I'm LinkedIncom, it's Christopher-Bjorling. Feel free to find me, um and connect. I will gladly connect with you and hopefully learn from you, as well as I learned from everybody that we do in our podcasts. So, and at this event we're going to thank you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, chris, and thank you for doing that in one take, because we were up against it. You are a superstar. Have a lovely time at the event. Next week, we'll be passing each other in our respective airplanes, going in a similar sort of direction, but not quite close enough. Have a great time and we'll chat again soon. Thank you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

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